Tuesday 28 September 2010

Poem - Contact Hours

Poem - Contact Hours

Come the cold hour of the child gone.
The gone hour leaks heat and light.
Try remembering the first (but why?)
The orchestration. The procedure
burning to shape. A coming or going
(which was it? Which house was it?).
The dialogue of hands and look.
And look. Yes. At the child. Changing light.
Evening. Lights going out
when they should be going on.

What is lost? (Admit it, that’s how it
Feels. That’s it). The shape of his love.
(C’mon, c’mon keep going. That’s it)
Broken, interrupted; uncircled. Pigged
in the middle, between selves. Complicated.
(What did the child say?) Startled into
zig-zagged words. ‘I hate love’, the child said.
And re-said to quiet questions
at little pig fingers twining a half-sucked
sweat shirt cord as evening came.

James A Bullion Revised September 2010