Wednesday 13 August 2014

Poem - Summer Storm

Summer Storm

We lay together uncovered for the storm

Neither did we two confess our wakeful state

Heat pressed the silence gathered throughout the day


The pulse of light revealed the outline of forms

in love enough to incline and then to wait

for the growl boom accusing rattle of pane


slowly it builds, seizes the time and leaves us

morning comes, refreshed we two emerge its guests

James A Bullion, July 2014

Poem 2014 Centenary of War

2014 Centenary of War

I took a prayer candle from the church stained
with colour to the bright still evening and
made offering at the foot of a tree.
Veneration of a soldier and oak

Who can outlive the lives of men?
This tree.
What can shatter, splinter and still live?
What aids platoon advancing?

Grove of trees.
Depicts men arms pleading to God?
Bare trees.
A temple for the fallen?
Thicket thorns.

I could kneel here for a thousand years bone
becoming stone decay, while the trees draw
sap, seed, and fall.  Men will still roam and fight
and tend and build in temporary steel
and stone and sorrowfully remember
the shelter of this wood where I sought life.

James A Bullion 4th August 2014