Tuesday 5 February 2013

Poem - Hollow


Metal rests in my mouth
Blood lingers in my eye
I thirst
She is reassurance personified
Left handed people like us she
Jots, we are taking over the world

Low weak sun draining the blue,
yellowing the green of trees.
To myself I notice the grey colour
of her tunic, her vinyl black hair
with uneven sprays of light strands
my naked feet, my naked, naked feet.

Oil blue rooks lawn, have chatter beaks
Uzi feet clutching ground, ready.
Who saw copters that tore into Vietnam,
lifting to the air, with menace.
She pushes the needle beyond the vein.
Reacts. Calls a colleague for a look.

I apologise for my frozen ungiving
absurd arm, now two of them
are tapping, more senior tunic
explaining vacuums, stickiness
of blood, water, bruising. Love
comes to mind, everything for the last line.

James Bullion version 4 5/2/13

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